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Sales DONE
Sales reports DONE
What is the Dashboard?
Where can I see the today's sales?
Where can I see the Company`s Best Selling Products?
Where can I see the user’s sales?
Sales Report (V2)
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Selling workflow in Ebriza POS
How can I mark a product in Ebriza POS?
How can I cancel a product?
How can I move a table to another user?
How can I move products from a table to another?
View all 23
Discounts & Promotions DONE
Where can I set up a Promotion?
Setting up a bonus type promotion DONE
Creating a product discount promotion. DONE
How can I create a volume discount?
Where can I issue a discount on an order?
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Accounting DONE
Where can I see all the invoices for a client?
Do I need to manually add the sales in the cash registry?
How can I look up an invoice issued to a client?
How do I search for a cancelled invoice to a client?
How to do your accounting with Ebriza?
Receipts DONE
How can I cancel a receipt
Where can I see the cancelled receipts
Bill conflicts.
Payment method wrong, how can I issue the receipt with the correct one?
What information should a fiscal receipt contain?
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