It's very easy to mark products in Ebriza POS.
For this, you will need to login with the Account, User Identifier and also your password.
Please note that this is a one time operation after you have installed Ebriza POS.
After you selected your user, the only thing you will need to do, is to select the table you want to mark the products and
the categories will appear on your screen.
In each category you will have the products, and you can mark them by simply clicking on the product, or by going to the search bar and search for the desired product that you want to mark.
If you choose to search for the products, a virtual keyboard will appear on the screen, where you can type the name of the product.
After marking the products, these will appear on the right side of the screen with the name, quantity and price.
Also you can also set the priority for the products, by clicking first on the numbers on the upper right part of the screen in POS.
You will need to select first the priority number and then to choose the products that you want to mark.