hipMenu is the most appreciated food ordering platform by users in Romania (with 4.8 / 5 out of 4,500 reviews on Android and similar on iOS).
By listing on hipMenu you can supplement your sales (hipMenu is responsible for more than 1 million euros / month for the approximately 300 partner restaurants).
• Customer service available
• Automated Accounting
• Group Order - Unique functionality in Romania, that greatly facilitates user's work when they want to place larger orders - usually at noon
• For restaurants that do not have their own delivery fleet, we also provide the hipFleet delivery service
Integration of the hipMenu application with the Ebriza platform facilitates the transfer of orders from Hipmenu to the POS system.
All orders are automatically transferred to Ebriza, the operator not having to register the products one by one and complete the customer's delivery information.
For more information about integrating your hipMenu account with Ebriza, read this article.