How can the Alerts app help me? DONE
The Alerts App can help you be informed all the time about what happens in your company.  You can set up alerts if your stocks are getting low, if an API o...
Tue, 5 Feb, 2019 at 12:25 PM
What does the Calendis App do? TO BE DELETED
Installing the Calendis App makes it possible for you to integrate your Calendis account with Ebriza. With this application, you can see the reservation...
Tue, 5 Feb, 2019 at 4:31 PM
What does the Cash Register App do?
The Cash Register is a document for operative recording of earnings and payments in cash made in the cashier of the unit based on the supporting documents. ...
Thu, 19 Jul, 2018 at 1:34 PM
What does the Clients App do? DONE
The Clients App helps you create and access the database of customers, either individuals or legal entities, in the Ebriza platform.  Offer your users the ...
Tue, 5 Feb, 2019 at 12:48 PM
What does the hipFleet App do? TO BE DELETED
HipFleet helps you organize and streamline your fleet of cars. Integrating the Hip Fleet application with the Ebriza platform allows the transfer informatio...
Tue, 5 Feb, 2019 at 4:30 PM
What does the Inventory App do? DONE
Doing the inventory has never been easier. Forget about the excels and papers written by hand from which you are trying to figure out the amount or the name...
Tue, 5 Feb, 2019 at 12:48 PM
What does the Marketing App do? DONE
Customer loyalty is an important part of any business. The Marketing application gives you the possibility to set up different types of promotions and campa...
Tue, 5 Feb, 2019 at 12:56 PM
What does the Phone Ordering App do? DONE
The Phone Ordering application is integrated with Ebriza and allows you to take phone orders from any phone running on android system. With this applicati...
Tue, 5 Feb, 2019 at 4:29 PM
What does the Stock Management App do? TO BE DELETED
Keep the stock under control with the Ebriza Stock Management application. With the Stock Management application, you'll know the status of your stocks ...
Tue, 5 Feb, 2019 at 6:00 PM
What does the Sales Statistics App do? DONE
The Sales Statistics Application gives you an image of your business in graphical form, so you can easily visualize the trends of your company's operati...
Tue, 19 Feb, 2019 at 1:10 PM