The Clients App helps you create and access the database of customers, either individuals or legal entities, in the Ebriza platform.
Offer your users the ability to send invoices by e-mail directly from the Ebriza POS.
We also know how important customers are for you and your business, so give them personalized promotions for each one of them.
To add a client, follow these steps:
1. Select the Clients app:
2. Press the add (+) button to add a new client:
3. To be able to save a client, you need to add at least a name + phone or e-mail adress.
The e-mail address is necessary if you want to be able to send the invoice. The rest of the information is optional.
4. For every client, we have the option to add a delivery and a billing address separately. If the client has only one address, this will automatically be the billing and delivery address as well.