1. This error appears when you are trying to print a fiscal receipt, but the Z report has not been issued in the last 24 hours. Please issue the Z report.

2. The below error appears when the product has been configured with a VAT group that does not correspond with the VAT groups registered on the fiscal printer. Please verify the VAT groups on the printer (by issuing an X report), the VAT groups configured in Ebriza and verify how the product was configured, from the Configuration part in Ebriza.

!!! Remember to set the printer back to Sell mode to carry on with your activity. To do this you would need to press the ON/OFF button until you get back to the main menu and from there you need to select PC CONNECTION and press on TOTAL.

3. If the error contains the text: Your IP changed, it mean that the IP address of the PC changed or that the PC is not switched on / connected to the internet / not in the same network.

4. Usually, if there is no connection to the printer, the icon of printer will show up red in Ebriza.