The new type of printers, which contain the fiscal memory, need to be connected directly to a router with a LAN cable. After that, you need to connect your device to the same network as the printer.
To install the new fiscal printers follow the steps:
1. Go to Printers in POS menu.
2. Select the "+" icon.
3. Select Partner 200.
4. Wait until the IP for the printer is found.
5. After it has been recognized, click on the IP address.
6. Name your printer, choose the rooms (if you want the fiscal receipt to be printed only for a certain room or if you have multiple printers) and save.
ATTENTION: To make sure that the printer is set on Connection PC, on screen it need to appear the text Operator: 1 or the IP and hour of fiscal printer.
To see the settings on the printer, you will need to:
- Press MENU button from your printer.
- Go with the arrow up until you reached Programming, Press Total.
- Put in the printer's password provided by the manufacturer (standard is 000) and press Total.
- Go with the arrow up until you reached ETHERNET PARAMETERS, Press Total.
- Option: To have a dynamic IP, DHCP needs to be on screen as: YES.
- Press Total so that the changes to be saved.
- And last step is to go back from the C button, until you see on screen Operator: 1 or the IP and hour.