SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) represents the article`s unique code.

You can add the same number used by the provider (the one that you ordered) or the bar code (EAN Code), or you can use your very own SKU.

If you choose to do so, it would be helpful to select and set distinct attributes of the product. 

You can have the basic and simple as Jack Daniels, for which you can create the SKU: JackD07 or JackD1.

If you sell products with different attributes like womens track suit, size S and color grey you can set them as: TrAdGrFS (TR-Track Suit, Ad-Adidas, Gr-Grey, F-Female, S-Size S) or use simbols for colors and sizes. 

The SKU of the products also help when you have delivery services. All Orders from an external system will be transferred to Ebriza based on the SKU of the products.