Save you current stock in Stock Management app

In the Stock Management application, in the Administrative section, select Invoices and click on the + sign in order to register a new invoice.




Fill in the information about the supplier and the invoice.

1. Add the name of the supplier from the invoice that you want to register or select the supplier if you already have saved.

2. Add the registration number of the invoice.

3. Add the date that is written on the invoice/ the date in which the invoice was issued.

4. Select if you want to add the price with or without VAT.

5. If you tick this field, after saving the invoice the Entry Invoice Receipt will automatically be generated.

6. By clicking on the question mark located on the right side of each word you can find an image with a descriptive definition of the concept.


Add the purchased goods.


1.  This is where you add the name of the purchased good exactly as it appears on the suppliers invoice  - full name with information about the weight, alcohol or fat values.

2. If a purchased good will be used as a raw material in the production of a finished good, then this is where you add the name of the raw material as it was saved within the company.

For instance, let`s have a look at the following invoice with 5 purchased goods and a concrete example for how the first product is being registered in Ebriza.


How to register a purchased good as a GOOD

Example: Fritz-Kola, 0,33L

Select + Add and enter the complete name of the good, exactly as it is written on the suppliers invoice.



If you can`t find the good in the list, then you will hate to click on the + Add good button in order to save it.

Since the name of the good contains information about the UNIT QUANTITY and MU, these fields will be automatically filled with the data. After checking the VAT you can proceed to saving the good.

The SKU Code will be automatically added everytime we save a new good.



The next step will allow you to decide if the saved good will be passed down as a good or as a raw material. Since you will use this example in order to see the steps for the registration of a good, you will select the "Use as good" option.



After deciding using Fritz-Kola 0.33L as a good, you will have to fill in the information about the acquisition.

Complete the fields for the quantity and the unit price. All the other information about the UNIT QUANTITY, MU and TOTAL QUANTITY will be filled automatically according to the information given when the good was registered.



How to register a good as a RAW MATERIAL.

Example: Orange 500G

Select + Add and enter the complete name of the good, exactly as it is written on the suppliers invoice.



If you can find the good in the list, you will select it and click on edit in order to adapt the name as it is written on the suppliers invoice. 

If it`s not in the list, you will have to click on +Add good.

After editing it`s full name and after pressing the Enter or Tab button, all the other fields will be filled with the information collected from the name.

The SKU Code will be automatically added every time you saved a new good.



The next step will allow you to decide if the already saved good will be passed down as a good or as a raw material. Since we will use this example in order to see the steps for the registration of a raw material, we will select the "Use as raw material" option.



The oranges saved as raw material can be assigned to a pre-existing category in the company that can be general or very specific.

For example, you can create a general category called "Fruits for Juice" where you can gather all the fruits that you can use in order to produce juice if the price range or the quantity needed are similar. 

For a specific category, you can choose from your already existing stocks the raw material that you have assigned for the purchased good.

For this example, since we decided to use the oranges as raw materials, we will create a new stock category "Fruits for Juice" in which we will collect among other fruits, also the oranges.

Adding the new stock category:




Saving the new stock category:


In the following, you will have to complete the fields for the quantity and the unit price. All the other information about the UNIT QUANTITY, MU and TOTAL QUANTITY will be filled automatically according to the information given when the good was saved.



Invoice Reception Report 


After making all the entries and saving the Invoice, if you checked the "generate invoice reception" box, this report will be automatically generated.

In this document you can easily recognize how the purchased goods were registered within the company, respectively as goods or as raw materials.