Want to see the category display, and how it will appear in the POS?

Follow the next steps:

1. - After you signed into your Ebriza Account, on the left side of your screen, click Configuration.

2. - When on Configuration, on the top left side of the screen, you will see the POS Display button. Click on that button.

3. - On this page you can see the layout of the categories you have and how they are displayed within the POS.

    - If you click and hold the three line button from the top middle side of the category, you can drag and drop the category to a new location and arrange them in your desired order.


    - If you click on the three dot button on the right side of the category, you will have a few options:


       - Rename: You will be able to rename your category.


       - Change Color: Change the color of the category.

       - Change Icon: Change your icon and select other pictures from a wide list available. Even if you don`t find the picture you want there, you can upload your own.


       - Move To: You can move your category within another category.


       - Delete: You can delete your category.

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